Week 7: Wisconsin to Minnesota
The week where Chesky was sprayed by a skunk... in both Wisconsin and Minnesota. Read the full summary here.

Week 6: New York to Wisconsin
A midwestern week filled with diversity and old-fashioned Americana. Read the summary here.

Week 5: New Hampshire to New York
Week Five had us passing through peak season for fall colors! Read the full summary here.

Map of Month One
Here is a map of all the dog parks and campgrounds we've been to from Sept 6 to Oct 4. The full interactive version of the map on Carto...

Week 4: Massachusetts to New Hampshire via Maine
Week four was mostly in the enchantingly beautiful state of Maine. Read the summary here.

Week 3: Virginia to Massachusetts
The third week was filled with some of the best scenery so far, and cold weather! Read the summary here.